Monday, August 14, 2006

"You Are Most Welcome!"

This is what we would hear from the people in Africa wherever we would go.
They were so kind and hospitable that we really did feel welcome and invited. We had a great month long scouting trip to Kenya and Uganda. We both feel that we learned alot of valuable things being with so many ministries and pastors, and were grateful for the one on one ,(behind the scenes) look into the lives of people working hard in God's harvest field.

At this point we are seeking God for confirming details about when we are to go back long term. It's an exciting time for us and wouldn't want to be anywhere else than right in God's will, loving Him by loving and serving people that need Him!

Thanks to all our friends and family for all your love, support and prayers as we have been and are learning to take these steps of faith. We love you!!

1 comment:

jjschulz said...

Do we get to see pictures of Virginia in Africa too? By the way, you do look like a natural African Brent.