Friday, October 26, 2007

A Sneak Peek

We had another ultrasound this morning and here are the 3D pictures to give you a little preview of what our little son might look like. They said all is normal and he's now weighing in at 3.19 pounds and growing. Apparently he likes to suck on his umbilical cord, and Brent thinks that's kind of gross, but a guy's got to be pretty bored in that little womb all by himself for 9 months (that's why his mouth looks kind of funny). We're pretty proud of our little one and think he's pretty cute already! Yay!

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Island Ministers School

We began our 18 week ministers training school on October 1st on Bussi Island, beginning with around 12 students the first week and ending up with about 45 by the end of last week! Praise the Lord! These pastors and ministers come from four different islands and even one from the mainland to study the Word of God. Please pray for the ministers that they will receive all that God has for them and also for us as we have to commute 2 1/2 hours to the island every week for the monday through wednesday 9am to 4pm sessions. Not only are these leaders being challenged as they study the word, but we feel like we're also in school learning how to face the challenges of teaching in a cross cultural setting. It's going to be a great 18 weeks!

Virginia teaching an encounter session on grace.

Brent sharing with the class on how to keep their freedom from the past.

Here the students are working hard taking notes.
Our classroom is currently the chapel at Osannidde Village.

Last but not is the 6 month milestone picture of the growing child and belly!