Jesus loved sinners, and He still does. In fact, He loved them so much, He came to earth as a baby, and lived among sinners for 33 years. During His three year ministry He spent time with tax collectors, prostitutes, and individuals and groups the Bible simply labels "sinners." Religious leaders, the general populace, and even His own disciples (though sinners themselves) were shocked at Jesus' freedom of movement among these people whose transgression was forefront in the minds of others.
Here in Africa, Christians have drawn pretty clear lines drawn around the issue of alcohol consumption, though the discussion is more blurry among believers in the West. Do you think Jesus would go so far as to own and operate His own bar/restaurant? Why/why not? It seems as though these Kenyans have picked up on the loving, accepting, and forgiving nature of Jesus and named their establishment after Him. Is this sign an oxymoron, profaning the precious name of Jesus, an outreach of His love to sin-benighted, straying children, or no different than the "Jesus Coffee House"?
In all honesty, I feel like I'm getting confronted with this standard more often than I should be. For me personally, the Lord has commanded me to not 'take up the plunder of slain enemies' (Esther 9:16) which means that I don't drink because I killed that when I was crucified with Christ. As far as Jesus actually supplying the sinners with something they put between He and them, I would have to say that I don't think Jesus would be the one selling the booze. No, He'd be there right beside them to give salvation from death and bondage when they chose to accept it, but I don't think He's a supplier. When I was in bondage to alcohol I never experienced closeness to Jesus Christ, just heated theological/philosophical arguments with other drunks.
When I find myself doing something I know is the will of God for my life, I am reminded of the two of you, who helped me get there. Whenever I am struggling to find the will of God, I am reminded of the two of you, and I am encouraged and inspired to keep going!
I am so excited for you guys, and can't wait to see pictures of Josiah!! Congratualations!!
I think of you and pray for you often, and miss you.
Thank you for all that you invested into my life. I thank God for you both.
P.S. can I be your USA blogger friend too?!!
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