Monday, February 26, 2007

The Return of the Earwickers...

Thank you to all of you who prayed for our time in Congo. It was a successful trip, aside from having to pay extra visa fees due to the fact that Congo doesn't have any drivable roads, so we had to go back to Uganda from the first Congolese city and enter back into Congo to go to the next one, not very far away. Craziness!! We found that there is much need in Congo. No schools, proper roads, hospitals or medical facilities, clean water etc. We did find though that the church is strong and seemingly unified. This is our favorite part about crusades. Seeing the church come together for one purpose; it's heavenly!

The United Nations is heavily patrolling the area because there has been much unrest and many rebel groups are present in Congo waiting to stir up trouble. The local people even tell us that it wasn't long ago that Cannibalism was a common practice among some of these rebel groups. We continue to pray that the Gospel of Jesus Christ will transform this Nation into the one that God has purposed it to be. It's a country rich in natural minerals and potentially could be the richest nation in Africa, but due to rebel control this isn't possible unless some serious change happens.

Please pray for Congo that the church would seek out His treasures of darkness and that many would be saved, transformed and that a Nation would come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ!!

God bless and we love you all!!

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Off To Congo...

Just letting you know that we're headed to Congo to help with a crusade and teach at 3 seminars. We leave Monday the 5th and return around the 18th. Please pray for us as we prepare to go. We'll travel by bus to Paidha, Uganda for a crusade and then travel over the border to Congo. We're excited to see what God is doing over the border from us, and we'll have the full report when we return! Thanks for your prayers!